What in the world is happening in San Diego County?
Is God at work? Is He in the process of fulfilling a 12-year old prophecy for the county from Prophet Chuck Pierce of Glory of Zion Ministries in Texas?
People from various Christian denominations are beginning to gather regularly to share the wonder of experiencing the presence of the Lord.
A round-the-clock prayer and worship meeting place keeps its doors open 24/7 in the northern portion of the county.
Another nondenominational home fellowship group in the central part of the county became so overcrowded based on word-of-mouth accounts regarding physical healings and accompanying Divine presence, they were forced to relocate. These “Charismatics/Pentecostals” were offered a new mid-week gathering place at the neighborhood Methodist Church. Now that new location is barely able to contain the crowds that increase in number each week.
Yes, you read that correctly: The Methodists provided the Charismatics and Pentecostals a new home.
It gets better:
A Wesleyan Church in the southeast portion of the county invited a Messianic Jewish Rabbi to hold weekly Shabbat (Saturday) services on its campus on a permanent basis.
Christian churches of various sundry flavors are opening healing rooms as adjuncts to weekly worship and teaching gatherings.
Ministers who originally believed that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for today are experiencing a change of theological beliefs based on unexpected manifestations of healings and miracles in the midst of their services.
Prophet Chuck Pierce of Texas experienced a vision circa 2004 of an aerial view of a county. He could only see intense darkness while looking down from his “airplane seat” vantage point. However, the longer he stared at the darkness, he saw that several small, interspersed luminaries began to appear in the midst of all the black. And in time, the luminaries became brighter and brighter.
Confused, Chuck prayerfully asked God for an explanation regarding the vision. He was told that the area was San Diego County. The luminaries represented various individuals and small groups of believers who were operating as conduits for supernatural outpourings within the San Diego region. The Divine movement would be so unique and so notable in its cross-denomination approach that it would eventually be labeled as a Sovereign revival that no singular church or individual could personally claim responsibility for.
We are seeing the beginning of the “one new man in Christ”
The Holy Spirit provided further detail as to how and why San Diego was selected for this outpouring. San Diego is a port city by which large quantities of commercial goods, military personnel and tourists pass through on a regular basis. It serves as a point of access for the Divine to reach not only the county itself, but also the adjoining foreign country Mexico, and eventually, the entire domestic nation.
2016 is the 12th year since that prophetic utterance was spoken over San Diego County. The number 12 in the Bible signifies fulfillment. The Lord is communicating through gifts of prophecy that musicians are to prepare for a unification of Covenant and worship. Leaders, ministers and authors are receiving inspiration to explore revelations of Divine mysteries, such as uniting Jew and Gentile to Yeshua Hamashiac (Jesus the Messiah). We are seeing the beginning of the “one new man in Christ” where there is neither Jew nor Gentile, only the Messiah. All of these manifestations are so the world may believe that the Father has sent His Son for our reconciliation back to our Father.
It is a new day.
It is His day.
“For such a time as this…”